March 27-28, 2021 - The Sun 360°
RISE UP WITH THE SUN! The Judges Choice and Winners Choice teams will earn paid bids to compete in the Hollywood 360° Final Event in April. Lots of opportunities to win by choice and the Winners Circle of chance!

Division Champions receive medals, a virtual program banner and a chance to Spin to Win in the Winners Circle.

Top Fan Challengers Spin to Win a unique fan gift.

Overall Grand Champions (determined by % of score sheet) receive Championship Apparel & a virtual program banner.

Challenge Champion participants win gold medals.
Building Challenge
- Division & Level / Min 5 Athletes
- Minimum of 5 counts / maximum of 8 eight counts.
Pyramid Challenge
- Division & Level
- Minimum of 5 - 8 counts / maximum of 10 - 8 counts
Tosses Challenge
- Division & Level
- Maximum of 3 eight counts.
Dance Challenge
- Division
- Minimum of 3 - 8 counts / maximum of 8 - 8 counts.
Standing Tumbling Challenge
- Division & Level
- 4 - 8 counts
Running Tumbling Challenge
- Division & Level
- Minimum of 4 - 8 counts / maximum of 6 - 8 counts
Jumps Challenge
- Division
- Minimum of 3 - 8 counts / maximum of 6 - 8 counts
All-Star DANCE – USASF Rosters required for 5 or more dancers
Solo / Duos / Trios Across the Floor Challenge
- Division
- Min 1 - 8 count
Hip Hop Tricks Challenge
- Division
- Solos / Duos / Trios / Team
- Min 3 - 8 counts / Max 5 - 8 counts
Dance Challenge
- Division & Genre
- Min 5 dancers
- Min 5 - 8 counts / Max 8 - 8 counts
Combinations Across the Floor Challenge
- Division
- Min 5 dancers
- Min 3 - 8 counts / max 5 - 8 counts
- Solos / Duos / Trios
- Jumps min 2 - 8 counts / max 4 - 8 counts
- Dance min 3 - 8 counts / max 8 - 8 counts