December 12-13, 2020 - Hollywood 360°
EVERYONE’S A STAR! It’s time to shine in Hollywood! Whether you are completely ready for full-on competition or just want to compete components of your routine this is for you. Get ready to rally in the Winners Circle Challenge! The Judges Choice and Winners Choice teams will earn paid bids to compete in the Winners Choice 360° Finals in April. Lots of opportunities to win by “Choice” and the Winners Circle of chance!

All coaches and athletes receive a participant gift

Division Champions receive championship apparel and program banner

The top 3 teams in each division receive a program banner

Cheer level champions from both small and large gyms, Dance genre champions, and Exceptional Athlete champions (determined by % of score sheet) will enter the Winners Circle and Spin to Win $1,000!

Level Champions receive Level Champion Apparel

Specialty Awards for Cheer & Dance

Stay in the game by winning a specialty award! All specialty award winners will advance to the Winners Circle and a chance to win $500!

Spin to Win! Jackpot Champion receives $1,000! Stay in the game by competing in our LIVE event! Your team will have a chance to win the Winners Circle Jackpot!.

Top Fan Challengers Spin to Win a unique fan gift.

Challenge Champion participants win gold medals and are entered into the Winners Circle Spin To Win for $500!
All-Star CHEER teams ** USASF Rosters Required with 5 or more athletes
Building Challenge
- Division & Level / Min 5 Athletes
- Minimum of 5 counts / maximum of 8 eight counts.
Pyramid Challenge
- Division & Level
- Minimum of 5 - 8 counts / maximum of 10 - 8 counts
Tosses Challenge
- Division & Level
- Maximum of 3 eight counts.
Dance Challenge
- Division
- Minimum of 3 - 8 counts / maximum of 8 - 8 counts.
Standing Tumbling Challenge
- Division & Level
- 4 - 8 counts
Running Tumbling Challenge
- Division & Level
- Minimum of 4 - 8 counts / maximum of 6 - 8 counts
Jumps Challenge
- Division
- Minimum of 3 - 8 counts / maximum of 6 - 8 counts
All-Star DANCE – USASF Rosters required for 5 or more dancers
Solo / Duos / Trios Across the Floor Challenge
- Division
- Min 1 - 8 count
Hip Hop Tricks Challenge
- Division
- Solos / Duos / Trios / Team
- Min 3 - 8 counts / Max 5 - 8 counts
Dance Challenge - USASF Rosters Required
- Division & Genre
- Min 5 dancers
- Min 5 - 8 counts / Max 8 - 8 counts
Combinations Across the Floor Challenge - USASF Rosters Required
- Division
- Min 5 dancers
- Min 3 - 8 counts / max 5 - 8 counts
All-Star EXCEPTIONAL ATHLETES - USASF Rosters required for 5 or more dancers
- Solos / Duos / Trios
- Jumps min 2 - 8 counts / max 4 - 8 counts
- Dance min 3 - 8 counts / max 8 - 8 counts